Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Global Warming

According to a recent article that i just read Global Warming is just a scare. According to professor Timothy Ball. ( This article describes the many different senerios where trying to prevent global warming is a pointless and useless cause because we are not to blame for this phenomon. The professor didnt say that this wasnt a occuring problem, he just said that we are not the cause of this.

When i first read this article is hit me as strange because for as long as i can remember i have been told to try to stop pollution and all of this other stuff.....if i can remember correctly i was being told all of these things for the sole reason of trying to prevent global warming. I am not to believing of this man, but i am sure that many of you out there wont be either.... so i am going to do more research on the issue itself and try to form my own conclusion about Global Warming.

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