Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Last Temptation of Al Gore(Green Movement)

This was an article entitled the Last Temptation of Al Gore was an artilce about the former President himself. The article describes Gore as a great canadate for the 2008 presidental elections. They said that because Gore has made his opinion clear on a lot of different issues.....issues such as environmental control and preservation. Gore has been one of the head figures when it comes to support of the Green Movement. He has done so much for the cause of trying to improve natural conditions, he has helped to try to conserve natural resources, he has also helped in the attempt to educate people on the causes and effects of Global Warming.

Global Warming 2

Global Warming is a very questionable subject. Many people have many different views on the subject. I for one believe what most people are saying when it pertains to global warming. i believe that the global warming effect is natural, we are just accerating the process of global warming. Many scientist have had conflicting opinions on Global Warming. They all are coming up with different climate modules that show different affects of global warming. With all of these scientist saying the same thing it is kind of hard not to believe and pay attention to what they are saying. I for one am convinced. The only thing that i am undecided about is how we as a nation can really slow down the effects of global warming.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Global Warming

According to a recent article that i just read Global Warming is just a scare. According to professor Timothy Ball. ( This article describes the many different senerios where trying to prevent global warming is a pointless and useless cause because we are not to blame for this phenomon. The professor didnt say that this wasnt a occuring problem, he just said that we are not the cause of this.

When i first read this article is hit me as strange because for as long as i can remember i have been told to try to stop pollution and all of this other stuff.....if i can remember correctly i was being told all of these things for the sole reason of trying to prevent global warming. I am not to believing of this man, but i am sure that many of you out there wont be either.... so i am going to do more research on the issue itself and try to form my own conclusion about Global Warming.