Tuesday, September 25, 2007

English1020-023: Louisiana Protest Echoes the Civil Rights Era

English1020-023: Louisiana Protest Echoes the Civil Rights Era
This whole mishap of the young black men beating a white male unconscious and then getting the maxium penalty for it just makes me think about the race relations in the United States of America. To a certain extent some people say that this was a innocent fight but i believe in my mind that this was racially motivated. Therefore i think this whole case is a load of crap. If the students had of been white in my opinion this never would have happened.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

English1020-023: HOMEWORK: Read this and more...

English1020-023: HOMEWORK: Read this and more...

In this article Alex Williams gives use the whole scope on living the green lifesytle. At the beginning she gives us many examples of many different ways that we can help the planet earth, but by the time that i finnished reading the article i started to get a whole new feel to what she was really trying to say. In my personal opinion i think that she was trying to say that just because we do little small things to say we are helping.....that doesnt mean that we are really doing any good. I think she was saying that if you are going to go green go green all the way. Go green in every aspect of your life.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Shootings in the City of Memphis

Overnight shootings leave two in critical condition!

This is yet another tragedy in the great city of memphis. One of the shootings took place on the outskirts of memphis and the other took place near the University of Memphis. Both shootings were drive-by shootings done by drivers just shooting randomly in all directions. One of the reason that i picked this article to write about was because i attend the University of Memphis. Another reason that i chose to write about this article is because the safety of the Memphis campus is always in my mind being called into question. At times i think that there is nothing to worry about, but then at other times I dont know wheather to go to class or stay at home.